In business, efficient storage is a cornerstone of productivity and success. Off-site storage facilities have become a great way for companies to streamline their operations, reduce clutter, and safeguard valuable assets. However, managing that off-site storage takes more than just renting space and storing items away. It demands a strategic approach that optimizes space, organization, and accessibility while reducing costs and risks.

CRS Moving & Storage has a wealth of experience, a commitment to excellence, and a range of storage solutions tailored to your unique needs. We know how to help businesses succeed and are committed to customer satisfaction. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

8 Best Practices to Manage Your Company’s Off-Site Storage

Off-site storage is a valuable asset for companies of all sizes and industries. Whether you need to store documents, inventory, equipment, or other assets, efficient off-site storage management can lead to cost savings, improved organization, and enhanced productivity. Here are some good tips to keep in mind when looking at how to manage your company’s off-site storage:

1. Assess Your Storage Needs

Before you can efficiently manage your off-site storage, you need a clear understanding of what needs to be stored. Conduct a thorough assessment of your company’s storage requirements. Categorize items based on their importance, frequency of access, and compliance requirements. This will help you determine the type and size of storage units you need, ensuring you aren’t paying for excess space. 

2. Choose the Right Storage Facility

Selecting the right off-site storage facility to work with is crucial. Consider factors such as location, security, and accessibility. The facility should be conveniently located, secure with surveillance measures, and offer climate control options that keep your assets safe. 

3. Implement a Proper Inventory System 

Maintaining an accurate inventory of items stored off-site is essential. Use a comprehensive tracking system that includes detailed records of each item, its location within the storage facility, and its retrieval history. This system will save time and prevent unnecessary searching when you need to access specific items.

4. Organize Your Storage Units

Organize your storage units systematically. Group similar items together and label boxes and shelves clearly. Create a map or directory of the storage space so that you can easily locate items when needed. Keep frequently accessed items near the front and less frequently used items towards the back to optimize efficiency.

5. Develop a Retrieval Process

Establish a streamlined retrieval process to access items in your off-site storage. Determine who has access, how requests are made, and how items are tracked when they leave and return to storage. Having a well-defined process reduces the risk of lost or misplaced items and ensures accountability. 

6. Regularly Review and Purge

Over time, your storage needs may change. It’s helpful to conduct regular reviews of your off-site storage to identify no longer-needed items. Implementing a schedule for purging outdated or unnecessary materials can be helpful to free up valuable space and reduce costs.

7. Ensures Security and Insurance 

Security is crucial when managing off-site storage. Ensuring that the facility has robust security measures in place is crucial. Additionally, they should have insurance coverage to protect your valuable assets against theft, damage, or loss. 

8. Monitor Costs

Keep a close eye on the costs associated with your off-site storage. Periodically review your storage agreement to ensure you continuously get the best value for your investment. 

Contact an Experienced Commercial Storage Company Today

Effective management of off-site storage is a crucial component of a well-organized and efficient business. By working with an experienced company like CRS Moving & Storage, you get exceptional customer service and a partner committed to seeing your business succeed. We can help you keep your off-site storage safe by utilizing all of the practices we listed above. 

Reach out to CRS Moving & Storages today and learn more about how we can implement our services to increase your productivity and profitability. Contact us today by calling (718) 424-6000 or completing our online contact form.