A large portion of the US workforce has been working remotely since March 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. For many workplaces, returning to work now that lockdowns have ended is near. However, reintroducing the workforce into their traditional environment will be more challenging than merely reopening offices. To ensure the return is a smooth transition, your organization will need to prepare properly so that people feel comfortable and safe returning to work.

Organizations will need to take seriously their employees’ physical safety and emotional wellbeing if they are to achieve this transition safely and successfully. Here’s a compilation of three useful tips that will help you transition your employees back to work:

Ensure Safety is a Top Priority Within Your Company

Coronavirus has affected the well-being of many people, causing high levels of anxiety in particular. During this period, your employees will have a lot of concerns, and you need to convey to them the steps you are taking to keep them safe and whether you are following government guidelines and safety measures. Engaging them in a two-way dialogue will help avert some of their stress, as well as helping them feel more positive about getting back to work.

It’s important that your team knows their health, safety, and overall wellbeing are your primary concerns. All employees must have access to accurate health and safety information and updates. Through discussion, you can present relevant and reliable information while pointing them to additional resources from reputable organizations such as the World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control.

Maintain Proactive Monitoring of Your Employees

Many employees who had no mental or physical health issues before the lockdown might have experienced some challenges and need to talk about these changes. Every organization would benefit from providing its employees with support in overcoming obstacles that prevent them from staying healthy and performing their jobs effectively.

Employers must check in and engage with their people on a regular basis to see how they are adjusting to the new environment. Employees should be encouraged to speak up, share ideas, and suggest improvements. Additionally, reminding nervous employees that employee assistance programs or flexible work schedules are available and might be useful. As well, make it possible for your people to request more personal support. Preventing the emergence of larger problems by taking proactive measures can prove beneficial.

Understanding is Key

During times of transition, employers must recognize that employees may be affected differently by the pandemic, and therefore, varying levels of support are required to ensure their health and wellbeing. While not everyone has been adversely affected by the virus, many have dealt with a variety of challenges, such as financial struggle, work overload, childcare problems, loss, and illness. Consequently, such individuals may need additional help to adjust and get reacquainted with the changing work environment.

Therefore, it is vital that your workforce is provided a means of reaching out or raising their concerns and that they receive an appropriate response. With the help of your employees’ input, you will gain a better understanding of what is most important to your team, and from there, you can find better solutions and make improvements to your employee experience overall.

Return to Work with the Help of a Professional NYC Moving Company

It has become increasingly clear that the mental health and wellbeing of your employees are most important. Whenever you are getting ready to let your employees back into the office, don’t stop at updating sick leave policies or promoting workplace cleanliness. Instead, make sure to provide your employees with the resources and emotional support necessary to re-enter the office. If an office relocation is on your bucket list, be sure to consult our NYC commercial movers at CRS Moving & Storage for professional assistance.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you with your office transition. CRS offers a free move plan and logistics session to minimize the stress associated with relocating. Call 718-424-6000 or complete our contact form to speak with a member of our team today.