Cardboard Boxes and PackagesMoving your business is often a clear indicator of growth, reflecting that your current premises can no longer support the expanding needs of your operations. Nonetheless, navigating the move comes with its complexities. Beyond the financial implications, there’s the real worry of potentially losing touch with your established customer base. The time spent in your original location likely helped you cultivate a loyal following of customers who rely on your services just as much as you rely on their patronage. Losing this built-up trust and familiarity means starting anew in building customer relationships and loyalty at your new location. 

At CRS Moving & Storage, we make relocation as simple as possible, handling everything from planning and packing to setting up your new space, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Ultimately, our comprehensive services ensure that you are able to continue to take care of your customers during the transition. 

5 Tips to Keep Customers When Relocating Your Business 

The following are the most effective ways to keep customers when relocating your business: 

1. Inform Your Regular Customers Early

Start by informing your regular customers about the relocation. This can be done in person by your employees or through direct calls for closely associated customers.

Prepare and distribute posters and notices in your current location to spread the word. Ensure these materials clearly display the new address and encourage visits to the new site.

2. Leverage Social Media

Utilize social media platforms to announce your move. This is crucial for reaching beyond your immediate customer base. Social media can also support trend analysis and customer retention strategies, especially for businesses not frequented in person.

3. Strengthen Your Online Presence

Develop a robust website for your business to offer services online. This move helps in retaining customers by removing the dependency on your physical location.

4. Utilize Flyers and Printouts

Physical materials like flyers and printouts can serve as tangible reminders for your customers.

Have employees distribute these in both the old and new neighborhoods to inform existing customers and attract new ones, which is especially effective for businesses with fewer daily customers.

5. Host an Opening Event at the New Location

Organize an event to celebrate the opening of your new location. Offer special promotions or even a mini lottery to attract new visitors.

Include the event in all promotional materials, and remember to consider the costs against your relocation budget and business goals to maintain balance.

Connect With New Customers Following a Relocation 

Integrating into your new community is essential for attracting new customers. Participate in local events, sponsor community activities, or collaborate with other local businesses to raise your profile. Engaging with your community can help you understand the local market better, tailor your offerings to meet local needs, and build lasting relationships with customers.

Incentives are a powerful tool to attract new customers to your new location. Consider offering discounts, loyalty programs, or special offers for a limited time. These incentives can encourage people to visit your new location and try your products or services. Once they experience the quality of your offerings and the excellence of your customer service, they are more likely to become regular customers.

Call CRS Moving & Storage For All of Your Business Relocation Needs 

Moving your business is an opportunity to expand and meet the increasing demands of your thriving operations. At CRS Moving & Storage, we understand the intricacies of business relocation. We’re here to make this transition as seamless as possible, handling every detail from the initial planning phase to unpacking and setting up your new space. 

We are here to ensure that you can concentrate on what matters most – continuing to grow your business and serve your customers, both old and new. With our comprehensive moving services, we ensure that your focus remains on maintaining the high level of service your customers have come to expect. Call us today for a free move plan and logistics session at (718) 424-6000 or fill out a contact form.